Monday, June 27, 2011

Farmer's Market

Saturday morning means off to the market. Strawberries are in season but SuperBoy still insists on apples. After grabbing the apples, and testing one out of course, we started our scavenger hunt:

Find a yellow fruit. What is it?

Find a yellow vegetable. What is it?

Find a purple food with an interesting shape. What is it?

Find a red food that is bigger than your fist. What is it?

Find a green food that you have not tasted before. What is it?

Taste an organic strawberry and a conventionally grown one. Compare the flavour.

Find two examples of a stone fruit.

The possibilities are endless.

Are you planning a trip to your local farm or farmer's market this summer?

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Barrie's Asparagus Farm

There has been quite a buzz about Barrie's Asparagus Farm lately, so yesterday we went to check it out and buy some fresh local food. As a local resident, born and raised, I feel guilty that I had never visited this jem before.
The boys and I were first greeted by the two farm dogs, laizly lounging in the shade. After a quick hello, we climbed the steps of the Farm House. Flowers for sale were displayed at the door (which were tempting because it is SuperBoy's last day of school tomorrow and I still haven't bought teacher's gifts). Making a mental note, we ventured inside to discover that treasures lay inside. SuperBoy made a beeline to the basket of toys which left me to browse with SuperTot. I couldn't believe how many rooms were filled with fresh, local produce: Cheese from Bright, Organic Natural Yoghurt, Farm Fresh Eggs, Fresh Field Strawberries, Romaine the size of my head!, Beans, Honey, Preserves, Jams & Jellies, Flour made from Asparagus, Asparagus Salsa and Pasta Sauce, Asparagus Tortilla Chips, Savory and Sweet Pies, Pasta made from Asparagus, Zuccini, Potatoes...forgive me if I have missed something. I had to decide...but how? There was so much to choose from. I settled on the Cheesy Chicken and Asparagus Pie and a pint of fresh strawberries. (I couldn't resist digging in on the way home.) Out of money I never did get those flowers, but we did get a yummy sample of Asparagus Chips...delicious!
On the way out the proprietor asked us if we had seen the 'piggies'. I have to say, they were the happiest pigs I have ever seen. They came running over to greet us with a snort and a smile. SuperTot could barely contain himself; he couldn't stop giggling! It made is all laugh. Those are the moments I cherish. I would have to say that this was a bit hit. I had a hard time convincing Superboy to leave. Don't worry, we'll be back for sure!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Learning to Cut

This is a stroke of genius! Teach your child to cut by allowing them to practice on play dough.

Totally Tots: Once Upon a Book ~ Turtle Splash

Totally Tots: Once Upon a Book ~ Turtle Splash: "Turtle Splash by Cathryn Falwell Summary: Enjoy a countdown at the pond as the ten turtles splash into the water one by one to sett..."

Friday, June 3, 2011

Run Marble Run!

I saw this Wondermaze online and I got to can I make one of those?

Here's what I found. Feel free to add your own DIY Marble Run ideas.

P.S. Start saving those toilet paper rolls.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Doing the Green Thing

Today we did our green deed for the day. We decided to walk to the grocery store instead of taking the car. Both Superboy and Supertot enjoyed the ride, the fresh air, and the conversation. We counted cars, saw construction, looked at freshly cut grass and pushed the button to make the crosswalk go. What more could little boys want.

I though I would share a list of ideas on how we can get kids to appreciate nature and help instill green practices at the same time. Here's what I came up with (please feel free to add your own in the comments).
  • Build a birdhouse for your backyard.
  • Start composting.
  • Build a garden together and eat the vegetables you grow.
  • Use recyclable batteries in your toys (or better yet, take out the batteries and use your imagination).
  • Plant a tree.
  • Take a hike and help clean up garbage on your route.
  • Go fishing.
  • Visit the farmer's market and buy local fresh meat and produce.
  • Learn about the different trees and flowers in your neighbourhood.
  • Visit the library or buy previously loved books from thrift stores.
  • Pack litter-less lunches and use reusable containers for picnics.
  • Walk whenever possible.
  • Get outside.
Here is a list of websites to check out if you are looking for some ideas of being green with your kids this summer.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Know the Signs of Drowning

We are off to swimming lessons today. Supertot loves the water but Superboy...not so much.

It made me remember that I had not yet read the article from Mario Vittone's website: Drowning Doesn't Look Like Drowining. This is a must read for anyone planning on being around the water this summer.

According to Vittone, Drowning is the number two cause of death for children 15 years and younger (after motor vehicle accidents). Of the approximately 750 children who will drown next year, about 375 of them will do so within 25 yards of a parent or other adult. In ten percent of those drownings, the adult will actually watch them do it, having no idea it is happening (source: CDC). - SCARY!

Drowning doesn't look like your typical drowning that you see on tv. Know the signs, read the article, then go hug your children and tell them you love them.

~ Beth-Ann